Simple Guide to Creating a Study Space That Your Kids Love

Creating a study space for your kids

I’m going to share some simple and easy to implement steps that will help you create a study space that your kids will enjoy using every single day, which hopefully will help them succeed not only at school but as a human being too.

The reality is that it’s not just about what your kids are studying these days, but the environment that they are studying in is also very, very important.

Now, this environment could be as simple as a small corner of your house that is dedicated to your kids, so they can focus and study in, or it could be a completely separate room. Either way, you will find that creating such a space that your kids can go to when they want to get some work done will help immensely in encouraging them actually to study hard.

Another benefit is that a lot of friction will be removed when your child has a dedicated study space because all the tools (computers, pens, and pencils, etc.) will all be in one place and so they will never have to waste time and effort trying to find all the things they need actually to do the work… they can simply do the work!


Step 1: The Good Old Desk

The reality is that unlike adults, kids often get distracted by the smallest of things so while you might think that it’s a great idea to put the new desk you just bought right in front of the window, it might, in fact, be a better idea to put it against a wall.

Of course, you want to make sure that there is plenty of natural light, but believe me by putting the desk against a wall your kids are far less likely to be distracted. You could even add a whiteboard to the wall behind the desk that your kids could use to help them with their school work.

For really young kids (under the age of 10) you might want to put their desk in a public area of the house. You could even have them set up on the kitchen counter or dining room table. The reason for this is younger kids will more than likely need lots of help and support when they are doing their school work, and so with them working in a public area with you around, you’ll be able to help them as and when needed.


Step 2: Lighting?

One of the most critical aspects of your kid’s new study space is to make sure that you provide them with adequate lighting. It’s essential to keep them feeling good and focused. The last thing you want is for your kids to have to strain and struggle because their new space lacks proper lighting. Of course, a practical and straightforward solution is to get them a good desk lamp. On top of that, you should aim to put the new study space in an area of the house that gets plenty of natural light.


Step 3: Get Rid of Distractions Like Mobile Phones

So what’s going to be more distracting for your kids than looking outside through the window? It’s the good old smartphone. To be honest, there is a multitude of benefits that smartphones have brought about, but there are zero benefits in having them around while your kids are studying in their new study space.

In fact, from very early on, you are going to want to develop the good habit of having no technology in the study area so that as they grow, this habit is ingrained in them. If your child needs to time how long they are studying for, then, they can do it the good old fashioned way by using a timer. Believe me, if you can instill this habit in your kids from early on, they will see immense benefits of just being able to focus on their studies with ease.


Step 4: Get the Proper Supplies!

You will want to get a nice cup to store all the pens, pencils and other small items that your kids might need. This way you’ll keep the desk nice and clean, and your kids won’t waste any time trying to find what they need when they need it… they can simply grab the cup and pull out exactly what they need.

If your kids are young you can keep all their papers etc. on the desk as there won’t be much to deal with, however if your kids are a little older then it would be wise to invest in some storage, perhaps things like storage containers, filing cabinets so that they will be able to organize themselves and put things away in the appropriate place.

You could perhaps have one drawer/cabinet for all the work they need to do and then another one for all the work they have successfully completed. Of course, there is no universal system that is going to work for every child, so you as the parent are going to have to sit down and figure out what works and then implement it.

Reading Corner

Step 5: Create a Reading Corner

Naturally, you are going to want to encourage your kids to be avid readers because hey, that’s where their minds will expand, and they will be able to learn all sorts of things.

A great way to do this is to create a corner somewhere in the house where you can put a beanbag or perhaps some kind of inflatable chair and then put a big bookshelf with all your kid’s favorite books. You’ll be amazed at how effective this strategy will be to getting your kids to read.

I believe it’s something about your kids feeling like they have their own little section of the house where they can just relax and read all their favorite books that makes it so effective.


Step 6: Stick Up a Whiteboard

One of the best investments you can make for your kids is to get them a big whiteboard that you can either let stand alone on its own or perhaps you could hang it on the wall behind the desk. Either way, you are going to find that the whiteboard is an excellent way for your kids to write notes, practice math problems, write out dates for different school-related events and even draw out a full calendar.

Your kids could even use it to express their creative side and draw all sorts of things that inspire them. There really is no limit and believe me when I say that your kids will enjoy it for many, many years to come!

Eliminate Clutter

Step 7: Eliminate Clutter

As adults, there is something very visually appealing about a minimalist, clutter-free space. I’m sure many of you have home offices that give off this vibe, but the reality is that your kids are going to want to showcase their unique personalities when it comes to their study space. They aren’t going to be interested in turning their space into a minimalist shrine.

However, there is a way for you as a parent to control the chaos by putting up a shelf next to their study space where they can place their toys and other trinkets. This way you can help them to develop the habit of keeping their study space nice and organized and whatever toys etc. they want to keep can go on the shelf.

A win-win for all parties.


Step 8: Get Some Headphones

Kids can get distracted by the smallest thing, and you don’t want to be in a situation where your kids are trying to study but then get distracted because they can hear footsteps in the next room… this will only make them feel like they are missing out on what everyone else is doing. This will just result in your kids becoming distracted and losing focus on the work they are supposed to be doing.

One strategy that could work wonders is to get some noise-canceling headphones so that every time your kid needs to focus, they could just put them on and perhaps listen to some quiet background music or a soundtrack such as a crackling fire or maybe a river flowing.

You’ll find that this one investment will be worth it in the long run. Your kids will literally know that once the headphones are on, they need to focus on the task at hand.


So there you have it. Eight solid steps you can implement today to create a study space that your kids will fall in love with! You might find once you do create the study space that your kids become really enthusiastic about studying and doing their homework, a nice and pleasantly surprising side effect!

P.S. If you’re looking for inspiration for your kid’s room decor, but you’re short on time, you should check my shopping section. I have searched the whole internet to find the coolest decor items for a kid’s room.

To get the best insights and tips to create an Instagram worthy kid’s room, I have read more than 200 blog post, look at (almost) every single kid’s room images on Pinterest and ask my friends or others parents. From all their insights and my own experience, I’ve built those list of the perfect pieces of furniture, wall art, and decor items for your kid’s room.

Tess Cain

Tess Cain – works at Eco Office by day and has a deep passion for all things interior design/decorating by night. At the same time, she loves working out, and you'll often find her working out in the local gym as well as cooking up healthy and nutritious meals.

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