7 Proven Ways to Improve Your Kid’s Sleep

Improve Kids Sleep

Parenting is a full-time job that never ends. Your kids require full-time attention and proper nurturing to grow healthy. As a parent, you might be worried about your kid’s health and sleep quality.

As these are critical factors in a child’s growth. However, sleep is the time when your kid’s body grows, and various development process takes place within their body. You need to be very cautious if your kids are sleeping tight through the night. Because lack of sleep can induce crankiness, drowsiness, and fatigue in your kids. Hence, sleep is very essential in the growth years of your kids.

Though there are many reasons affecting children’s sleep, parents blame more to technological gadgets and eating habits. Moreover, poor sleep quality is getting very common among kids, affecting them emotionally, mentally and physically. But, you don’t have to panic, just go through these tips to improve your baby’s sleep.

This guide covers the following tips:

  1. Practice bed time routine
  2. Have a time restriction
  3. Sleep-friendly room
  4. No energy boosting near to bedtime
  5. Make your little monkeys self-dependant
  6. Ensuring sufficient sleep
  7. Make them eat healthy

1. Practice bed time routine

Mostly, parents are the real heroes for their kids. Therefore, they admire your ways of doing things. So, the best way to create a right bed routine for your kids is by practicing one for yourself.

Before bed activities like bathing, brushing, changing clothes, reading books or listening music can help your kids to understand the importance of sleep. Make your kids realize how essential a proper pre-bed schedule is for getting sound sleep through the night.

Many studies have proved that pre-bed activities help your kids to relate to sleep and hints their brain that it is time to go to bed.

2. Have a time restriction

Kids are very notorious in nature which causes trouble getting them to sleep on time. Irregular sleep time confuses your kid’s body clock and keeps them awake.

Therefore, to let your mischievous monkeys complete their sleeping hours it is strict sleeping time. Also, make them wake up on a fixed time every day so that their body can adjust accordingly.

A good sleep practice will help them grow much better and healthier.

3. Sleep-friendly room

A sleeping environment is also an important factor affecting your child’s precious sleep. Your kid’s bedroom should be a relaxing and soothing place for your kids.

In your child’s room, make sure the temperature perfect and the colors are calming.

A lot of time parent punish their kids or ground them by asking them to stay in their room. Doing so will create a negative sense within your kids as they will connect their room with punishment. Hence make sure you don’t use your kid’s room to punish them.

Also, give attention to their room ambiance and make it their go-to place whenever they are tired.

Moreover, there are many kids friendly mattress for their delicate body that grows during the night sleep. Buy kids mattresses that are most comfortable for your sleepy monkey and watch them sleeping sound.

4. No energy boosting near to bedtime

Kids are very determined compared to adults. Therefore, if anything excites them, they forget everything else even sleep.

The sleep gets lost when your kid is involved in stimulating activities before bedtime. For example, watching an exciting movie or reading a thrilling book. Instead, get in into relaxing activities like listening slow music and reading books but, not an exciting one.

The preparations to take your kid to bed needs to be started an hour early then only you will be able to make him/her sleep on time.

5. Make your little monkeys self-dependant

Most kids rely on their parents to sleep. You may be in love with cuddling your kid but, this is not helping him/her to be self-dependent. If your kid is too young, it is good to make him/her sleep with you. But, as they grow, make sure you have a separate room for them.

Let your kids learn to fall asleep on their own without your presence. To let your kids sleep nicely, your kid should associate sleep with his/her bed, not anyone’s presence.

Moreover, staying asleep becomes difficult when your baby always looks for you at the time of sleep.

6. Ensuring sufficient sleep

Most parents know their kids need more sleep than them. But, they fail to determine the exact time for their healthy sleep doses. It is very crucial to complete the required sleep hours without any disturbance. You may be thinking how to find exactly how many hours of sleep your kid needs.

Well, it depends on two factors their age and daily schedule.

Though every kid is unique, National sleep foundation has studied and prepared a chart of sleep needs for different age group kids. It says that newborns need sleep of 14-17 hours a day while school going kids need 9-11 hours of sleep every day.

Hence, make sure your baby is sleeping enough to feel fresh and fully energized the next morning.

7. Make them eat healthy

Sleep is related to daily activities and diet. Everything your kid is eating contributes to his/her sleep during the night.

Eating fresh and healthy makes him feel content and energetic for all their non-so-sensible play day. Also, a good eating habit improves your kid’s memory power and learning abilities. To have sound and timely sleep, avoid caffeine and a heavy meal before sleep time.

In fact, even good night milk should be given at least 45 minutes prior to bed.

Girl sleeping

Sleep is essential for your child’s healthy growth

Take help of the above tips for a better sleep experience. These tips are based on actual researches and its data by sleep study organization like National Sleep Foundation. A good sleep habit will benefit your kids for many years to come.

Therefore, start incorporating them from the very first year of their life.

P.S. If you’re looking for inspiration for your kid’s room decor, but you’re short on time, you should check my shopping section. I have searched the whole internet to find the coolest decor items for a kid’s room.

To get the best insights and tips to create an Instagram worthy kid’s room, I have read more than 200 blog post, look at (almost) every single kid’s room images on Pinterest and ask my friends or others parents. From all their insights and my own experience, I’ve built those list of the perfect pieces of furniture, wall art, and decor items for your kid’s room.

Ella Lauren

Ella Lauren is passionate about writing on different niches like food, technology, Travel. She loves to spend time in nature and exploring new places. Ella Lauren - Content writer at voonky.com

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