How do I Organize my Kid’s Small Bedroom?

Organize a Kid's Small Bedroom

A well-organized and calming space is essential for your kids. Here’s a list of tips to help you turn your kid’s room into a declutter and clean space.

Since most of the kid’s rooms out there are usually very small, they turn into a giant mess in no time. Toys, clothes, books, and all their other stuff can’t seem to find their place when the rooms that small. However, with a few organizational skills, everything is possible.

The truth is, you need to reorganize your kid’s small bedroom and make room for everything. If you’re not sure where to start or you’re skeptical about succeeding, don’t despair.


First things first, you and your kid need to do some serious decluttering work.

You can’t even think about organizing your kid’s bedroom if you first don’t revise all their stuff and get rid of those they aren’t using anymore.

Therefore, get your kid involved in the process, and together get rid of the stuff such as:

  • clothes that don’t fit anymore
  • toys they lost interest in
  • broken or damaged things

Make sure your child participates in the process as actively as possible.

In the end, you can even donate to charity the things you’ve decided you don’t need anymore.

Once the room is decluttered, you can start reorganizing it and making it less of a mess.

A Reachable Closet

Clothes can become a significant problem in a small children’s bedroom unless you act smart and think of a system for storing them.

The best thing you can do is to organize the closet in the children’s eye level.

  • What does this mean?
  • lower the hanging bar in the closet
  • make the most use of the lowest shelves
  • ensure your kids can take out and put in most of the clothes they use daily

By doing this, you’re making it easier for your kids to keep their room clean and tidy.

Let them know they must take care of their clothes and have them participate in storing them actively.

Storage Bins

Storage Bins and Labels

When things are fun, your kids are more likely to take part in them. Storage bins can be a source of entertainment for your little ones and are a real lifesaver when it comes to organizing their room.

Therefore, the first thing you should do is:

  • get the type of storage bins your kids are going to love (ex: Princess, Super Hero, etc.)
  • decide what goes inside of which container
  • label them with fun-looking stickers

Once you label each of the bins, storing their toys, books, and stuff will become significantly more fun for your kids.

Use labels such as:

  • Barbies
  • stuffed animals
  • action heroes
  • cars and vehicles
  • blocks
  • legos
  • tools

Besides, when things are correctly labeled, kids won’t have to dig through a ton of things to find what they’re looking for. Hence, they’ll stop making as much mess as before.

Storage Under The Bed

Storage Under The Bed

To organize a small children’s bedroom, you need to get creative. Any free space that you’ve got needs to be used as a potential storage unit.

Beds are a great source of free space since you can put away a lot of stuff in the space under them.

You’ve got two options:

  • get a bed with drawers already installed
  • used more storage bins and place them under the bed

Regardless of the option you go for, you should keep things your kids don’t use as often under the bed.

You could keep sheets, linens, blankets, off-season clothes, and other similar things in this big storage space.

kid room shelves

Shelves up to The Ceiling

With a small room in hands and a lot of things that need non-bin storage, you’re bound to use more shelves to keep it in control.

The best thing to do is to install shelves on a single wall and make it ceiling high.

Then you’ll use the top shelves to store things your kids don’t need daily and the lower ones for stuff they’ll need to reach themselves.

Shelves are great for storing:

  • books
  • trophies
  • notebooks
  • tools
  • memories such as photos or diplomas

Just make sure the shelves are neatly organized to maintain the relaxing, minimalistic tone of the bedroom.

kids playing in room

Maintain The Order

Finally, there’s no chance of this plan of your to succeed, unless you teach your children how to maintain the order. This means that there needs to be a routine they need to follow daily, to avoid going back to the messy beginning. Also, a routine is one of the necessities for raising an independent, resilient child.

The routine should be simple:

  • every night before bed, put away all the toys and clothes
  • every morning before going out, make your bed and choose your clothes

If you get them to follow this routine, it won’t take them more than 15 minutes a day to keep everything nice and clean.

Final Thoughts

From the earliest age, your kids must learn to maintain order in their room and take care of their things. However, it’s your job to create the right conditions for that to happen.

The advice above will help you reorganize, declutter, and turn your kid’s room around. It’ll ensure you succeed in your mission of making your kid’s bedroom safe, neat, and well-organized. Use them today and start making those necessary changes.

And if you succeed, make sure to share your advice with other parents! You can use the help of some writing companies to organize your thought and present your story.

P.S. If you’re looking for inspiration for your kid’s room decor, but you’re short on time, you should check my shopping section. I have searched the whole internet to find the coolest decor items for a kid’s room.

To get the best insights and tips to create an Instagram worthy kid’s room, I have read more than 200 blog post, look at (almost) every single kid’s room images on Pinterest and ask my friends or others parents. From all their insights and my own experience, I’ve built those list of the perfect pieces of furniture, wall art, and decor items for your kid’s room.


Daniela is a child psychologist and a mother of two. During her earliest days as a mother, she realized just how important the interior of a child’s room is for their daily activities and growing up. Since then, she’s been writing passionately about children’s interior design and sharing her ideas with parents in need.

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