5 Ways to Finally Organize Kids Toys

Organize Kids Toys

Are you looking for different ways to organize your kid’s toys? Here in this guide, we look at the ultimate ways to do so. Sooner or later, the house will no longer be a mess after reading this.

Once the kids become part of the family, you’ll know how quickly every room in the house will be taken over by toys. From board games to Lego bricks, no matter how long you organized them, toys keep taking over the home again and again.

If you’re looking for practical solutions on how to get toys under control, this is the article for you. Without further ado, let’s take a look at a variety of proven methods and ideas for storing kids’ toys.

sorting toys

1. Go Through All the Toys

This is the very first step for keeping things in order as much as possible. It may sound like a chore; however, it’s a good idea to go through every single one. You will find it time-consuming, but it is undoubtedly the most important thing to do.

You wouldn’t believe how many things children collect over the years, and they can really build up to an incredible pile that makes its way to the bottom of a bin to be completely forgotten for many years!

Be Charitable and Donate

A little charity can go a long way, so let your child help you pick out everything that they don’t play with anymore. You can then give all of these to charities or other children who may not have them.

It is a lesson that will stick with your child for their whole life. If you find that they are unwilling to donate, remind them of the benefits of doing so.

Store Any Outgrown Toys for the Future

If you have any young kids who have outgrown their little toys, pack them away. Over the years, you will save them, and they can be put out of sight until the next child arrives.

Just as we discussed in the previous paragraph, they can also be donated to your friends and extended family in the future. It makes everything worthwhile in the end!

Give Them a Shuffle

Sometimes there just isn’t enough closet space for storing. Consider putting any games that your child doesn’t play with on the top of the shelf. After a while, typically a month, the toys can be replaced with those that have been stored away.

This works well for young children and makes them think they have new ones all the time. Moreover, it minimizes a mess around.

toys everywhere

2. Don’t Leave Everything out All at Once

The most crucial point about the organization is things are planned to prevent the mess from happening in the future. The key is to make sure nothing gets out of hand, and games are cycled through regularly.

Never leave any of your children’s belongings out at one time — instead, cycle through all of them regularly.

More often than not, there are too many toys for your child to play here, so they just go for the same ones over and over again. Create a place or area where they can check out new toys to play with in exchange for old ones.

Bins Are Great for Separation

The organization is all about compartmentalizing appropriately. Instead of putting every model that the child owns in one large bin, consider separating into several smaller containers to keep things in order.

This is one of those kids toys storage ideas that work wonders.

You could have one bin just for inflatable kid’s toys and another with DIY toys for kids. Keep everything organized to make cleaning up easier.

toys box

3. Dedicate Specific Areas for Toys

By dedicating specific areas of the room for toys, you can keep everything a lot more arranged.

You can notice them taking over the house when there is no designated area for them to be stored. It is important to limit certain rooms such as playrooms or bedrooms for toy areas.

Keep everything else, off-limits.

By doing this, not only will things be kept from getting lost, but they will always be together where they belong. If you are unsure about which route to dedicate, observe where your child tends to play and start there.

4. How to Store Different Toys in Your Living Room

Sometimes, more often than not, you can notice kids playing with toys in the living room. This can be problematic because it is also a place for adults. Fortunately, there are many creative ways to store all the remote control toys for kids or any other kid’s big toys.

One can buy a decorative basket, get a huge vintage suitcase, or even buy a hollow ottoman to fill up. Just get creative and see what you can do in your own home.

toy organization

5. Different Solutions for Storage

When you want to put things in the box, it is necessary to think outside the box. Think of different places to store which are unique and within a child’s reach. Let’s look at a variety of different storage solutions.

Under the Bed

Many bins can be placed under a bed because this is essentially wasted space. Get a tub, put all the transformer toys for kids inside, and simply slide it under the bed. The job is done!

Vertical Storing Space

By hanging things from the ceiling, you can create a lot of storage space. No longer will you be stepping on Lego toys for kids and breaking them apart! Many devices can be hung from the ceiling to form storage space. You’ve just got to put your mind to it.

Other Solutions

Instead of just putting things in the bin, think creatively to solve toy storage dilemmas. It’s not always the case that containers will work best, especially with things like kids role-play toys. Check your home for any free space and think about how you can utilize it for appropriate storage.

You wouldn’t believe how quickly you may find a void to be filled with soft toys for kids.

kids room

Kids Toys Everywhere? Not Anymore!

Now that you’ve read our guide, we hope that the house will be a lot cleaner and that your child will be happier with their selection. You can take all of those unwanted educational toys for kids or inappropriate kid’s toys and store them in a place where they won’t be a nuisance.

Best of luck, and enjoy a more organized home!

Joshua Sherman

Joshua Sherman is a proud father of three; he also has five dogs. Joshua used to work as a bank manager before the pressure got too much, and he retired. Now he enjoys freelance life writing of all sorts of articles such as this one

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