Cracking the Crib Code: When to Lower Mattress Height to Floor

Keep your baby safe with this comprehensive guide about crib mattress height. Know when it’s safe to adjust and lower your baby’s mattress to the floor.

Typically, it’s time to lower the crib mattress height when your baby reaches milestones around 4-6 months (rolling), 6-9 months (sitting), and 9-12 months (standing). These milestones can vary for each child, so it’s essential to watch for signs they’re ready. To better understand the specific signs and learn helpful tips for lowering the mattress height, check out our complete article on this topic.

Don’t you feel like you have enough things on your mind, and adjusting the height of the crib is never on top of that list? I know I do. However, I can’t stress enough the importance of crib safety. One crucial aspect that often gets overlooked is adjusting the crib mattress height. Trust me, you don’t want to wait until your little one has a daring escape or, even worse, takes a tumble!

I’ll never forget when my youngest nearly climbed out of her crib one morning. My heart skipped a beat, knowing it was time for a change. Don’t let this happen to you! In fact, statistics show that thousands of kids end up in the ER each year due to crib-related falls.

I’ll share everything you need to know about mattress height adjustment, including when and how to do it safely.

This article will cover the following:

Let’s start by understanding the different crib mattress height settings.

Demystifying Crib Mattress Heights: What’s the Deal?

When I first looked at my baby’s crib, I had no idea there were different height settings! However, with time I understood the importance of these settings for my baby’s safety. Knowing that gave me great peace of mind!

Types of Cribs: The Foundation of Crib Mattress Height Settings

As a mom of two, I’ve learned that not all cribs are created equal. Understanding the type of crib you have can help you navigate the process of lowering the mattress height.

  • Standard Cribs: The classic choice for many parents, these cribs usually have a fixed design and limited adjustability. Standard cribs typically have two to three mattress height settings, making it essential to know when to lower the mattress as your baby grows.
  • Convertible Cribs: Talk about a crib that grows with your child! Convertible cribs can transform from cribs to toddler beds and sometimes even full-sized beds. These cribs usually offer more flexibility in mattress height settings. However, adjusting the height appropriately is crucial as your little one reaches new milestones.

Whether you’ve chosen a standard or convertible crib, stay informed about your baby’s development and adjust the mattress height accordingly.

Crib Mattress Height Options: The Key to Your Baby’s Safety

These are the typical crib mattress height settings.

  • Highest Setting: Ideal for newborns and young infants who aren’t yet mobile. I remember using this setting when my kids were tiny; it saved my back from bending too much during those countless late-night feedings! Remember, as soon as your baby starts rolling, it’s time to move on to the next height setting.
  • Middle Setting: Perfect for babies who can roll over or sit up on their own. Stay vigilant! Once your baby starts pulling up to stand, it’s time to lower the mattress again.
  • Lowest Setting: Designed for older babies and toddlers who can stand or even attempt to climb out of the crib. This setting helped me rest easy, knowing my adventurous kiddos were secure in their cribs. However, stay vigilant! Once your child starts climbing, it might be time to transition to a toddler bed for their safety.

Understanding these crib mattress height options can help you make timely adjustments, ensuring your baby’s safety and comfort.

And with that knowledge in hand, let’s move on to key milestones to help you decide when to lower the crib mattress.

Baby Milestones: When Should You Lower that Mattress?

One day they are tiny babies; the next, they become miniature Tasmanian devils, don’t they? That’s why It’s essential to keep up and adjust the crib mattress accordingly.

Stage 1: Newborn

Highest setting

Newborns aren’t yet mobile. They are secure in their crib without the risk of rolling off or sitting up unexpectedly. This is when you start with the highest setting on the crib.

As a mom of two, I’ve had my fair share of midnight feedings. Keeping the mattress at its highest setting allowed me to easily reach my newborn without straining my back. Plus, outfit swaps become much more manageable when you don’t have to bend too far down to reach your baby.

Mom tips: the newborn stage is fleeting, so enjoy every cuddle and snuggle while you can.

Stage 2: Infant

Middle setting

This is when our little ones start to explore the world around them. Your baby’s newfound sitting skills mean they’re growing up fast. This is an exciting time, but it also means your baby is becoming more mobile! When my first child started rolling, I knew it was time to adjust the mattress height to the middle setting for safety.

Ensure your baby has enough space to sit without the risk of toppling over the crib rail. So keep a close eye on your little roller and adjust accordingly.

Stage 3: Crawling Stage

Lowest setting

The crawling stage is an exciting time for both you and your baby. When your baby starts pulling up to stand, it’s essential to lower the mattress to the lowest setting. Lowering the mattress prevents your baby from potentially climbing out of the crib or falling over the railing.

I remember my little ones reaching for their favorite toys and standing in their cribs. Though adorable, I knew their safety was my priority.

Stage 4: Toddler

Lowest setting (maybe transition to toddler’s bed)

Welcome to the toddler stage, where your baby’s curiosity and energy seem to know no bounds! Oh, the joys of a climbing toddler! As adorable as it is, it’s a safety concern. When my kids started climbing, I knew it was time to lower the mattress to the lowest setting to prevent accidents.

However, it’s time for a toddler bed when your toddler consistently tries to climb out of the crib or is too tall for the crib railings.

Interested in some toddler’s bed inspiration? Check out this list I created of the cutest bed for toddlers

Now that you know the milestones, let’s look for signs that it’s time to make that change!

Decoding the Signs to Lower the Mattress Height

As parents, we’re always keeping an eye on our baby’s physical abilities. From sitting up to attempting daring crib escapes! These 4 milestones can help us know when to lower the crib mattress height.

  1. Rolling: When your baby starts rolling, it’s a sign to lower the mattress. I still remember my little one’s first roll – it was adorable but also a wake-up call for crib safety. I had to make sure there was no risk of rolling too close to the railings.
  2. Sitting: Once your baby sits up independently, it’s time to lower the mattress again. My kids loved sitting up and playing in their cribs. I gave them enough space to sit without risking toppling over the rail.
  3. Standing: When your baby starts pulling up to stand, lower the mattress to the lowest setting. Keep the mattress low to prevent potential falls or climbing attempts. I assure you, you won’t believe how fast children grow.
  4. Climbing: Consider transitioning to a toddler bed if your child starts climbing the crib railings. As a mom, I know the mixed feelings of pride and concern as my kids began to climb. Your goal should be to ensure your little adventurer’s safety.

As our little ones grow, their height and weight are crucial in determining when to lower the crib mattress height.

Height and Weight Considerations: Adjusting Mattress Height for Your Growing Baby

Here’s how these factors can help you know when it’s time for an adjustment.

  • Baby’s Growth Percentiles: Keeping track of your baby’s growth percentiles helps you anticipate their physical abilities. If your baby is growing quickly, consider lowering the mattress sooner for their safety. I remember comparing my kids’ growth charts and marveling at their progress.
  • Crib Specifications: Always refer to your crib’s height and weight limit specifications. Make sure to keep your crib’s manual handy for quick reference. These guidelines ensure your baby stays safe and comfy in their crib.

As a Pinterest-addicted mom, I know we all want to create a beautiful nursery, but safety always comes first. By paying attention to these factors, you can create a secure and stylish space for your little one to grow.

Alright, we’ve covered the signs; now, let’s learn how to lower the mattress safely!

How to Lower the Crib Mattress Height Safely

Lowering the crib mattress might sound intimidating, but with a few simple steps, it’s a breeze. I’ll walk you through the process!

Step 1: Gather the Necessary Tools

Gathering the necessary tools for lowering the crib mattress height will make the process safer and easier.

  • Crib Manual: Your crib’s manual provides instructions for adjusting the mattress height. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for safety.
  • Screwdriver or Allen Wrench: Check your manual to see which tool is needed for your specific crib. From experience, most cribs require either a screwdriver or an Allen wrench for adjustments.
  • Recipient for screws and hardware: I always grab a plastic container to put the loose screws in, so I don’t lose them. It’s also critical to NOT lose any small part in the room that your baby could find later.

Also, I would recommend having someone help make the process more manageable. Also, before moving to the next step, find a safe spot for your baby during the adjustment (like a playpen).

Step 2: Disassembly

Once you remove all bedding and pillows, grab your crib manual and tools. You can now disassemble the crib according to the manual. Make sure to keep track of all screws and parts.

Step 3: Adjustment

With the crib disassembled, locate the mattress support brackets, and adjust them to the desired height setting. It’s essential to adjust both sides of the crib evenly to prevent any wobbling or instability.

Step 4: Reassembly

Reassemble the crib, following the manual’s instructions. Double-check that all screws are tightened securely and that the mattress is at an even height. Replace the mattress, and you’re done!

Step 5: Safety Checks

Finally, let’s go through some necessary safety checks.

  • Mattress Fit: Check the mattress fit by ensuring no more than two fingers’ width between the mattress and the crib’s sides. A snug fit is essential to prevent your little one from getting trapped between the mattress and crib.
  • Hardware Stability: Examine the crib for any loose, broken, or missing parts. Tighten any loose screws, and replace damaged or lost hardware. Remember, a stable crib is a safe crib!

Congrats, now you’re done! I remember when I lowered the crib mattress for my first child; it was a bit nerve-wracking. Following these steps made me a pro in no time!

With your crib-adjusting skills, you might still have a few lingering questions.

Answering Your Top Crib Mattress Questions

Now, I’ll address some frequently asked questions about mattress height.

Q: When should I lower the mattress to the floor?

A: Lower the mattress to the floor when your child is ready for a toddler bed or consistently climbs out of the crib.

Q: How do I know if the crib mattress height is too high?

A: The mattress height is too high if your baby can pull themselves up and lean over the crib rail, putting them at risk for falling.

Q: Can I use pillows or bumpers to prevent my baby from climbing?

A: No, pillows and bumpers are a suffocation hazard and aren’t recommended. Keep the crib clear of any soft items.

Q: What if my baby is a late or early developer?

A: Always consider your baby’s individual abilities when adjusting the mattress height. Consult your pediatrician for personalized guidance.

In Conclusion: You’re a Crib Safety Superstar!

You’re now well-equipped to handle crib mattress height adjustments and ensure your baby’s safety. As we wrap up, remember that trusting your instincts and staying informed is key in this journey. Your little one’s nursery can be both safe and Pinterest-worthy!

With your newfound knowledge, you’re ready to tackle any crib-related challenge that comes your way.

Happy parenting!


Julie is the loving mother who always finds ways to stimulate the minds of our children.

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